A groundbreaking initiative has been launched in Nairobi to centralize capital for women in African capital markets through the introduction of a new gender bonds toolkit. Spearheaded by FSD Network's gender collaborative program, British International Investment (BII), and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), this toolkit aims to equip stakeholders with insights and strategies to bridge gender gaps in the investment landscape and foster inclusive and impactful investments.

Quick Summary

  • Nairobi introduces a gender bonds toolkit to centralize capital for women in African capital markets.
  • The initiative, led by FSD Network, BII, and UN Women, aims to bridge gender gaps in the investment landscape.
  • The toolkit provides stakeholders with insights and strategies to foster inclusive and impactful investments.

Bridging Gender Gaps in Investments

Historically, gender-focused bond issuances have been perceived as complex, lacking a comprehensive reference guide. However, the introduction of the gender bonds toolkit signifies a pivotal moment in mobilizing gender smart capital and strategically addressing technical capacity gaps on both the demand and supply sides of the investment spectrum.

Catalyst for Change

Mark Napier, Chief Executive Officer of FSD Africa, emphasized the transformative potential of the gender bonds toolkit during the launch. He highlighted the initiative's commitment to gender equality and its role in mobilizing capital, fostering sustainable growth, and empowering women across the continent. This initiative marks a seismic shift in African capital markets, paving the way for more inclusive and impactful investments.

Addressing the Financing Gap

The gender bonds toolkit comes at a critical juncture, as global efforts to advance gender equality face significant financing gaps. Despite sustainable bonds aligned with SDG 5 being a mere 1 percent of the $900 billion issued through various bonds, recent data highlights a growing significance in gender-focused investments. The toolkit serves as a comprehensive guide to navigating this evolving landscape and unlocking new opportunities for gender-focused investments in Africa.

Commitment to Empowerment

Jo Fry, Investment Director, and Head of Intermediated Financial Services at BII reaffirmed the organization's commitment to empowering women's economic development. By producing the gender bonds toolkit, BII aims to mobilize capital more effectively and support women's empowerment initiatives. The guide demonstrates the effectiveness of gender impact bonds as a tool for advancing gender equality and fostering sustainable development in Africa.


The introduction of the gender bonds toolkit in Nairobi represents a significant step towards fostering inclusive and impactful investments in African capital markets. By centralizing efforts to mobilize gender smart capital and addressing technical capacity gaps, stakeholders can unlock new opportunities for gender-focused investments and empower women across the continent. As organizations continue to collaborate and innovate, the gender bonds toolkit serves as a beacon of hope for advancing gender equality and fostering sustainable growth in Africa's investment landscape.