British companies are expressing keen interest in investing in Kisumu County, attracted by the region's vast economic potential in agriculture and the blue economy. The British High Commissioner to Kenya, Neil Wigan, highlights Kisumu's strategic position as a gateway to Uganda and Tanzania, presenting lucrative opportunities for local and regional markets. This collaboration between British investors and Kisumu County aims to unlock economic growth, create job opportunities, and drive socio-economic transformation in the region.

Quick Summary:

  • British companies are exploring investment prospects in Kisumu County, leveraging its strategic location and economic potential in agriculture and the blue economy.
  • The British High Commissioner to Kenya, Neil Wigan, emphasizes the importance of public-private partnerships to tap into existing opportunities and facilitate investment.
  • Kisumu Governor, Prof. Anyang Nyong'o, welcomes British investments and pledges support from the County government to facilitate the investment process.

Tapping into Economic Potential:

Kisumu County is emerging as an attractive destination for British investors, drawn by its strategic location and economic prospects. With its position as a gateway to neighboring countries, Kisumu offers a prime opportunity for businesses to access local and regional markets, particularly in agriculture and the blue economy. The interest from British companies reflects the growing recognition of Kisumu's untapped potential and its role as a hub for economic growth and development.

Facilitating Investment through Partnerships:

The British High Commissioner underscores the importance of public-private partnerships in facilitating investment in Kisumu County. By collaborating with the National and County governments, British companies can navigate regulatory frameworks, access financing options, and unlock permissions necessary for investment projects. This collaborative approach ensures that investments are aligned with local development priorities and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

Local Support and Collaboration:

Kisumu Governor, Prof. Anyang Nyong'o, extends a warm welcome to British investors, emphasizing the County government's commitment to facilitating investment processes. The establishment of a framework for engagement with the UK government demonstrates Kisumu's proactive approach to attracting foreign investments. The Governor's assurance of support and cooperation reflects the mutual interest in driving socio-economic development and maximizing the economic benefits for the region.

Future Prospects and Economic Growth:

The ongoing consultations and partnerships between British companies and Kisumu County signal promising prospects for economic growth and development. The signed public-private partnership agreements, coupled with upcoming projects, underscore the commitment to harnessing Kisumu's economic potential. As these initiatives unfold, Kisumu is poised to witness significant job creation, infrastructure development, and enhanced economic resilience, laying the foundation for sustainable growth and prosperity.


The interest shown by British companies in investing in Kisumu County marks a significant milestone in the region's economic trajectory. Through strategic partnerships, collaborative efforts, and proactive government support, Kisumu is poised to unlock its vast economic potential and emerge as a thriving hub for investment and development. As British investments flow into the region, the partnership between British investors and Kisumu County holds the promise of driving inclusive growth, fostering innovation, and transforming livelihoods in the region.