The County Government of Tana River has collaborated with insurance firm Britam to increase the number of households covered under the Index-Based Flood Insurance (IBFI) policy. This initiative aims to protect small-scale farmers residing in flood-prone areas from the devastating effects of floods. By scaling up coverage in Hola and Garsen, the agreement seeks to extend protection to an additional 20,000 families, building on the 300 households already enrolled in the program. The partnership underscores the commitment of both parties to enhance community resilience and mitigate the impact of natural disasters.

Key Highlights:

  1. Objective of the Agreement: The primary goal of the partnership is to expand the reach of the IBFI policy to safeguard more households against the destructive consequences of floods. By targeting flood-prone areas in Hola and Garsen, the initiative aims to provide vital protection to vulnerable communities.
  2. Community Resilience: The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signifies a significant step towards enhancing resilience among residents of Tana River County. The recent payout to 300 households in Madogo Ward demonstrates the tangible benefits of the IBFI program in mitigating flood-related losses.
  3. Government Endorsement: Tana River Governor Dhadho Gaddae Godhana has expressed strong support for the partnership, emphasizing its role in providing essential protection to the local population. The governor acknowledges the positive impact of the IBFI solution and its contribution to community well-being.
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility: Britam's Group Managing Director, Tom Gitogo, highlights the company's commitment to social impact initiatives through strategic partnerships with local governments. By expanding flood insurance coverage, Britam aims to foster economic transformation in the Tana River region and alleviate the financial burden on affected families.
  5. Innovative Insurance Solution: The IBFI product, launched in collaboration with Oxfam in Kenya and global re-insurer Swiss Re, leverages data modeling and satellite imagery to determine flood thresholds and provide affordable coverage. This innovative approach ensures that individuals living in high-risk flood zones have access to essential insurance protection.


The partnership between the County Government of Tana River and Britam represents a significant milestone in disaster risk management and community resilience building. By extending flood insurance coverage to additional households in flood-prone areas, the initiative seeks to mitigate the socio-economic impact of natural disasters and empower communities to thrive amidst adversity. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions like IBFI, stakeholders are working together to create a more resilient and sustainable future for the residents of Tana River County.

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