The International Poultry Council (IPC) has acknowledged eighteen firms from Kenya and across Africa for their dedication to responsible antimicrobial use and endorsement of the council’s antimicrobial-use stewardship principles. This recognition represents a significant step forward in ensuring sustainable food quality.

The IPC emphasizes the crucial need to adopt sustainable standards in food production, especially in light of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Kenchic Limited, a prominent organization in the Kenyan poultry industry, features prominently among these acknowledged private-sector entities.

Transformational Strategies for Farm Output Risk Mitigation (TRANSFORM), a project led by Cargill and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), propels these principles. The initiative aims to decrease antimicrobial use, ensuring responsible utilization in alignment with stewardship principles when necessary. It not only seeks minimization where possible but also prioritizes appropriate application in accordance with sound agricultural practices.

Jim Tozer, the Managing Director of Kenchic, articulates the firm’s unwavering commitment to enhancing consumer food supply chains in terms of safety and health. “Our enduring dedication to sustainable practices and responsible poultry production earns us this recognition,” he observes. Tozer emphasizes that global organizations, including seven partners collaborating with Kenchic, are addressing antimicrobial resistance as a pressing worldwide concern.

The National Antimicrobial Stewardship Interagency Committee (NASIC), operating under the combined efforts of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, spearheads a commitment that Kenchic also aligns with. Tozer underlines the significance of collaboration in achieving shared health objectives and highlights how Kenchic’s responsible practices dovetail into larger national strategies combating AMR.

Jonathan Mueke, the Principal Secretary of the State Department for Livestock, stresses the paramount challenge that AMR poses in our present food supply chains—a complex issue. This not only imperils treatment methods for commonplace infections but also undermines progress within contemporary medicine; therefore, its implications are far-reaching. In commendation to Kenchic—an exemplar of antimicrobial stewardship—he lauds their proactive role and acknowledges them as industry pace-setters. They lead by example indeed—a beacon guiding others towards responsible practices across all sectors involving livestock management. Recognizing the broader significance of Kenchic’s efforts, he urges other stakeholders to emulate them.

Spanning countries such as Kenya, Brazil, Italy, India, Thailand, Vietnam, and Colombia, the international leaders that the IPC recognizes account for over 30 percent of global broiler production. This collective effort involves six associations—notably influential in their respective regions—and two companies; together, they signal a worldwide commitment to reducing reliance on antimicrobials and safeguarding future food production.