Taking bold steps to ensure food security in the face of prolonged drought, the Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) is focusing on two key areas: the Galana Kulalu lands in Tana River County and the ADC Kisiwani Complex, located in Malindi, Kilifi County. With this strategy in place, the newly inaugurated ADC Board is paving the way for exciting partnerships with the private sector.

Mohammed Bulle, the Managing Director of ADC and a visionary leader, views the Government’s Public-Private Sector Partnership (PPP) Act as a pivotal strategy to safeguard our nation’s food and nutrition needs. He actively spearheads this initiative, fostering collaborations between the public and private sectors, unlocking unprecedented opportunities for our country – an example of proactive governance at its best.

The central focus of this endeavor lies in the strategic formation of food production partnerships. The Managing Director articulates the stance: “We anticipate securing numerous partners, primarily for enhancing food security and nutrition within our country’s borders.”

Already, several private sector entities have expressed their interest in collaborating with ADC. Nyumba Foundation stands out; they are eager to partner with the government on a venture that produces cost-effective edible oil from ADC, potentially decreasing consumer costs for the commodity. Twiga Foods also seeks collaboration, specifically aiming to boost maize farming and increase production. Similarly striving towards partnership is The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, focusing on wildlife conservation coupled with vegetation preservation – an ambitious yet vital endeavor.

The ADC Board views these applications as a promising start; however, they maintain a sharp focus on ensuring that selected partners align with the standards established by the PPP Act. They are actively conducting due diligence to ensure optimal choices for these crucial partnerships.

The unpredictability of weather patterns, a direct consequence of climate change, poses one of the pressing challenges ADC confronts. Drought can swiftly transition to rain; this volatility renders food production an exceedingly precarious endeavor. Mr. Bulle painted a vivid description, recounting instances when they were compelled – at significant expense – to import hay for livestock feed.

Taking proactive steps to safeguard their lands, the ADC partners with the National Youth Service (NYS) and digs trenches around their farms. This initiative aims to shield crops from potential damage inflicted by unpredictable weather changes.

Also grappling with encroachment, the ADC Kisiwani Complex contends with a growing local population claiming ownership of some land. Board Chairman Abidllahi Alawy is determined to address these challenges and align Kenya’s trajectory towards becoming a food-secure country, thereby mirroring President Dr. William Ruto’s vision.