We’ve got some exciting news for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Kenya. Pesapal, the leading payment gateway in the country, has teamed up with Sokohela, a licensed digital credit provider, to launch a brand new credit product specifically designed for SMEs. It’s all about providing fast and flexible financing options to help these businesses thrive.

Mr. Agosta Liko, the founder of Pesapal, expressed his enthusiasm about the launch of Pesapal Credit. He believes that innovative and inclusive payment solutions are the key to empowering businesses and consumers in Kenya. He understands the struggles that SMEs face when it comes to accessing credit from traditional sources. High-interest rates, stringent collateral requirements, and lengthy procedures can be real roadblocks. That’s why Pesapal has partnered with Sokohela to tackle these challenges head-on.

According to Mr. Agosta, SMEs are the backbone of our economy. They deserve the support they need to succeed, regardless of their size. With Pesapal Credit, they can confidently make financial decisions and focus on becoming world-class in their respective industries. The platform is designed to provide transparent and manageable financing terms, ensuring comfortable repayment options. No more sleepless nights over complicated loans!

Let’s talk about the benefits that Pesapal Sokohela Loan offers to SMEs. First and foremost, the digital scoring, approval, and disbursement of loans make the process faster and more efficient. And guess what? The interest rates are competitive, making it a win-win situation. Plus, SMEs can enjoy flexible repayment terms of up to 12 months. That’s plenty of time to get back on track and flourish.

The best part? No collateral or guarantor is required. Gone are the days of stressing over putting your assets on the line. Pesapal and Sokohela have got your back. They value transparency and ensure that there are no hidden fees or charges involved. The pricing of the loan is crystal clear, so you know exactly what you’re getting into.

Thanks to the Pesapal platform, the online application and management of loans are a breeze. No need to jump through hoops or waste time with endless paperwork. It’s all about convenience and efficiency.

Mr. Nickson Onyango, the CEO of Sokohela, emphasized the power of collaboration in driving innovation and growth in Africa’s digital economy. This partnership with Pesapal opens up new capital streams for SMEs, allowing them to scale efficiently. By leveraging Pesapal’s extensive network of merchants and customers across various sectors, Sokohela aims to reach more SMEs and provide them with convenient and affordable credit solutions. It’s a win for businesses and a win for Kenya’s social and economic development.

The Merchant Credit solution offered by Pesapal utilizes their proprietary credit scoring algorithm. It analyzes transaction data from various sources like mobile money, e-commerce platforms, and POS systems. This allows them to tailor customized and affordable loans based on SMEs’ cash flow and business performance. It’s like having a personalized financial advisor by your side.

Pesapal is a heavyweight in the payment gateway realm, serving thousands of merchants and consumers across East Africa. They offer a wide range of payment products and services, making transactions seamless and hassle-free. From online payments to mobile payments, they’ve got you covered.

Meanwhile, Sokohela specializes in providing tailor-made loan products to Kenyan SMEs. With the help of artificial intelligence and data analytics, they assess the creditworthiness of SMEs and provide instant loans via mobile money platforms. It’s all about leveraging technology to empower businesses and drive economic growth.