Multichoice Kenya is hiking subscription prices starting August 1, 2023. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “What’s the damage?” Well, hold on to your remote controls because there are some figures you ought to know. DStv Access subscribers will have to cough up Ksh1,300 instead of the current Ksh1,200 per month. That’s a hundred shillings more! Looks like DStv Family subscribers won’t be spared either. They’ll now be parting ways with Ksh1,850 per month instead of Ksh1,750.

On top of it, DStv Compact subscribers, known for their budget-friendly ways, will now need to shell out Ksh3,500 per month instead of Ksh3,300. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, we’ve compacted your wallet too!” And if you thought the pain ended there, think again. DStv Compact Plus subscribers will have to dig a little deeper, with their new price jumping to Ksh6,200 from Ksh5,900.

Now, here’s a special shout-out to all the DStv Premium subscribers out there, the crème de la crème of DStv viewers. They’re in for a real treat because their monthly bill will soar to Ksh9,900 from the previous Ksh9,500. Talk about living that premium life, right?

But let’s not forget about our GOtv folks. They’re not immune to this wave of price adjustments either. GOtv Max Bouquet subscribers will now be forking out Ksh1,449 every month, compared to their current Ksh1,349. And GOtv SUPA Bouquet subscribers, well, they’ll be kissing goodbye to Ksh1,899 instead of Ksh1,749.

Alright, enough with the numbers, let’s get back to the good stuff. MultiChoice wants to distract us from the dwindling balance in our bank accounts by reminding us of the endless entertainment they offer. DStv boasts over 170 channels, while GOtv proudly hosts over 70 channels. That’s a whole lot of choices for us to squabble over with our family and friends.

Whether you’re into gripping dramas, laugh-out-loud comedies, heart-pounding sports, or educational content for the kiddos, DStv and GOtv have got you covered. They’re serving up a smorgasbord of audio, local content, sports, kids’ shows, news updates, and good ol’ entertainment.