The government is taking a big step towards a cleaner and healthier future with the launch of the ‘Accelerating Cleaning Action’ project. We’re talking about clean energy that will revolutionize cooking in our homes and bid farewell to those smoke-filled kitchens!

Alex Wachira, the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, highlighted the importance of this project. Currently, only 30% of households in Kenya are using clean cooking solutions, while a whopping 59% still rely on traditional fireplaces. That’s a lot of smoke, my friends!

But fear not, because the project aims to change that. It will champion the distribution of improved cookstoves to vulnerable communities, making a significant contribution to our Nationally Determined Contribution target of providing 4.55 million improved biomass stoves. Talk about progress!

Why is this switch so crucial? Well, the traditional method of cooking with firewood and charcoal in poorly ventilated spaces has caused numerous health issues. We’re talking about respiratory diseases, heart problems, and sadly, even deaths. Not to mention the impact on climate change due to the emission of greenhouse gases and black carbon.

According to the Ministry of Health, indoor air pollution is responsible for close to 23,000 deaths every year. That’s a staggering number! Women and children, who spend extended periods gathering fuel and cooking meals, are most affected by this silent killer.

But hey, there’s hope on the horizon! The World Health Organization recognizes indoor air pollution as the world’s largest environmental health risk. By embracing clean cooking, we can make a real difference. And guess what? It’s not just about our health—it’s about the planet too!

During the launch of the Accelerating Clean Cooking Action Project, we had some esteemed guests in attendance. The Ambassador of Japan to Kenya, Ken Okaniwa, and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Resident Representative, Mr. Antony Ngororano, were there to show their support. It’s fantastic to see international cooperation for such a worthy cause!

Our government has set an ambitious target of achieving universal access to modern cooking energy services by 2028. That’s right around the corner! To make it happen, we have plans in place, including the Sustainable Energy for All Action Agenda 2016, the National Climate Change Action Plan, and the Cooking Energy Compact 2021, among others. It’s a comprehensive strategy to drive change.

But that’s not all—there’s a national clean cooking strategy in the works too! With the support of the Energy Transition Council, we’re developing a roadmap to increase access to climate-friendly and efficient biomass stoves. We’re talking about cleaner and more environmentally friendly options like biogas, bioethanol, LPG, electric cooking using solar PV, mini-grids, and grid electricity. The future is bright, my friends!

The government’s commitment to this cause is evident through the creation of a dedicated delivery unit within the state department for Energy, supported by the clean cooking alliance. It’s all about coordinated efforts to make clean cooking accessible to all Kenyans.

We want to give a big shoutout to the Japanese government for their support and cooperation. Together, we can make a real impact and protect our natural forests. Ambassador Okaniwa reminds us that action starts with individuals, and by embracing this project, we can improve our lives and combat climate change.

So, let’s bid farewell to smoke-filled kitchens and embrace clean cooking! It’s time to protect our health, our environment, and our future. By working together, we can create a cleaner and brighter Kenya for generations to come.