Great news from Kajiado County! Over 10,000 residents have hit the jackpot with some much-needed cash coming their way through the Inua Jamii cash transfer program. It’s like winning the lottery, but better!

Jimmy Njau, the Social Development Officer in Kajiado County, spilled the beans and shared that a whopping Ksh 84,272,000 has been allocated to the county. Out of this amount, Ksh 55,920,000 is going to the wazee (our wise elderly folks), Ksh 25,352,000 to orphans and vulnerable children, and Ksh 3,000,000 to people with severe disabilities. It’s a real game-changer for those who need it most.

Each beneficiary will be receiving Ksh 8,000. It may not be a suitcase full of cash, but it’s definitely a welcome financial boost. And guess what? The number of beneficiaries is expected to increase next year. That means more people will be getting a piece of the pie. Sweet!

Mr. Njau couldn’t hide his excitement, saying, “We’re extremely grateful that our elderly citizens can easily access their funds. They’ve been able to buy medicine and put food on the table. We can’t wait for the next round of disbursements!”

To make things even smoother, the money is being distributed through six trusted banks. We’ve got Cooperative, Equity, KCB, Kenya Post Office, National, and Kenya Women Microfinance Banks on board. They’re the heroes behind the scenes, ensuring that the funds reach the right hands.

Let’s hear it from the beneficiaries themselves! Juliet Juma, one of the lucky recipients, shared her joy about being able to keep her child, who has unique abilities, in school. With the funds, she managed to pay for her child’s school fees. Education is key, and every child deserves a chance to learn and thrive!

Alfred Nyamweya, a widower taking care of his two vulnerable children, expressed his gratitude for the cash transfer. He said, “I’ve got two precious kids, and I’ve been able to cover their school fees. One of them just started high school, and I’ve already taken care of this term’s fees. Next term, we’ll be ready!”

Margret Aoko, an elderly woman with two grandchildren, couldn’t stop singing praises for the funds. They’ve been a game-changer for her small-scale business. With the cash, she’s been able to feed her grandchildren, pay for their school fees, and even stock up her stall. Talk about a superwoman!

The Inua Jamii cash transfer program is a true lifeline for the most vulnerable members of our society. It supports orphans, people with disabilities, and those aged 70 and above who don’t have a source of income. It’s a powerful way for the government to show that they care and want to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

So, a big shoutout to the government and everyone involved in the Inua Jamii program! You’re making a real difference in Kajiado County and beyond. Keep those cash transfers flowing, and let’s continue to uplift and empower our fellow Kenyans. Together, we can build a stronger, more inclusive society for all!