Are hoping for or looking to join the booming flower export business in Kenya? I’t amazing when you travel abroad in countries such as Europe how you’ll most likely see flower products labeled as from Kenya. Here it’s an area that has been left for a section of few enabled Kenyans to explore. Now, it’s very common to here Kenya referenced as the “Flower Basket of Africa,” and true it is in some ways. Imagine yourself surrounded by fields of vibrant roses, lilies, and carnations, and imagine the sweet scent of success wafting through the air. Today, we’ll explore the ins and outs of starting a flower export business right here in Kenya. So grab your hat and let’s embark on this floral journey together!

Advantages of Flower Export from Kenya

  1. Mother Nature’s Blessing: Kenya has been blessed with a climate that flowers absolutely adore! The sun shines bright, the rain falls just enough, and the soil is rich with nutrients. It’s like a botanical paradise, creating the perfect conditions for growing high-quality, stunning blooms that will make hearts skip a beat worldwide.
  2. A Bouquet of Variety: In Kenya, we don’t just stick to one type of flower. Oh no, we love variety! From elegant roses to graceful lilies and cheerful sunflowers, we have them all. This diverse floral tapestry allows you to cater to the unique tastes and preferences of customers around the globe, making your business bloom like never before.
  3. Kenya’s Blooming Reputation: Let me tell you a little secret—Kenyan flowers are famous worldwide. Our blooms are renowned for their freshness, vibrant colors, and long vase life. When people hear “Kenyan flowers,” their eyes light up with excitement. By exporting flowers from Kenya, you’re tapping into this positive reputation and giving your business an instant boost.
  4. Rise of Flower Power: The demand for flowers is skyrocketing globally. People celebrate weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and special moments with flowers. Our blooms bring smiles, joy, and a touch of natural beauty to people’s lives. By entering the flower export business, you’re riding the wave of this ever-growing demand and making the world a more beautiful place, one bouquet at a time.

Disadvantages and Challenges: A Thorn in the Stem

  1. The Battle of Petals: Remember, the flower export industry is not a bed of roses. It’s a competitive arena where you need to bloom brighter than the rest. You’ll face local and international competition, all vying for their slice of the floral pie. But don’t worry, with the right strategy and a sprinkle of determination, you can conquer the market.
  2. Dance with the Seasons: Mother Nature loves to play tricks on us. She brings us different seasons, and that affects flower production. You’ll need to navigate the challenges of seasonal variations and plan your production cycles accordingly. Remember, flexibility and adaptability are the secret weapons to overcome these flowery hurdles.
  3. The Art of Transportation: Exporting delicate flowers requires careful handling and transportation. You need to ensure the blooms arrive at their destination fresh and fabulous. It’s like being a flower guardian, protecting them from the perils of long-distance travel. Trustworthy logistics partners and proper packaging will be your allies on this fragrant journey.

Must-Knows Before You Bloom

  1. Explore the Floral Landscape: Get to know your market, my friend. Conduct thorough research to understand the demand, preferences, and trends in different countries. This knowledge will help you create a bouquet of offerings that customers can’t resist.
  2. Quality is Queen: In the flower business, quality reigns supreme. Your blooms need to be top-notch, fit for a queen. Implement stringent quality control measures at every stage of production, from seed to bouquet. This dedication to quality will set you apart from the competition and ensure customer satisfaction.
  3. Certifications—Your Fragrant Passport: International buyers often look for certifications like GlobalG.A.P. and Fairtrade to ensure ethical practices and high-quality standards. Get acquainted with these certifications and work towards obtaining them. They’re like the fragrant passports that open doors to premium markets.
  4. Sow Seeds of Relationships: Building strong relationships with buyers and stakeholders is the secret ingredient to success. Attend floral expos, join industry associations, and connect with florists, wholesalers, and distributors. Nurture these relationships like you would a delicate rose, and watch your network bloom.

What Not to Do: Thorny Paths to Avoid

  1. Neglecting Trends: The floral world is constantly evolving, my friend. Stay updated on the latest floral trends, designs, and colors. Don’t be caught holding onto outdated styles while the world moves forward. Adapt and incorporate new trends to keep your blooms in high demand.
  2. Financial Flubs: A successful flower export business requires sound financial planning. Don’t underestimate the costs involved in setting up a flower farm, greenhouse construction, equipment, and operational expenses. Create a comprehensive business plan, calculate your cash flow, and plan for unforeseen thorns along the way.
  3. Pest Panic: Oh, those sneaky pests and diseases! They can wreak havoc on your precious blooms. Implement robust pest and disease control measures, my friend. Keep those critters at bay and protect your floral empire.

Blossoming Steps to Success

  1. Blooming Budget: Determine your budget, my friend. Calculate the capital needed for land acquisition, greenhouse construction, equipment, labor, and initial operational expenses. Explore financial options like bank loans or partnerships to secure the funds you need.
  2. Planting the Seeds: Find the perfect land with ample water supply and the right climate conditions. Set up your greenhouses or open fields, depending on the types of flowers you’ll grow. Don’t forget to invest in irrigation systems, fertilizers, and cozy shelters to give your blooms the best possible start.
  3. Nurture and Harvest: Choose your flower varieties wisely, my friend. Different flowers require different care, so make sure to study their needs. Provide them with the right amount of water, sunlight, and love. When the time comes, harvest them at their peak, ready to dazzle the world with their beauty.
  4. Packaging Elegance: Post-harvest handling is an art, my friend. Clean, hydrate, and package your flowers with care. Use high-quality materials that keep them fresh and fabulous during their journey to distant lands.
  5. Unleash the Flower Power: It’s time to conquer the market! Develop a robust marketing strategy to showcase your blooms to the world. Forge partnerships with reliable logistics providers who will ensure your flowers reach their destination in pristine condition. Attend trade shows, create an online presence, and spread the word about your fragrant offerings.


Karibu to the world of flower exports, my friend! Starting a flower export business in Kenya is like nurturing a garden of possibilities. Embrace the advantages of Kenya’s climate, diverse floral offerings, and the rising global demand for flowers. Face the challenges head-on with flexibility and determination. Remember the must-knows and what not to do as you embark on this fragrant adventure. With your passion for flowers and the right strategy, you’ll watch your business bloom and spread joy across the world. Get ready to unleash the flower power and make Kenya proud!