For a while now, Pesapal has served us here in Kenya that we cannot possibly reference any point of sale system without mentioning it. And as technology in the sector has continued to evolve, so has the platform. Pesapal, has now joined forces with the bank-to-bank transfers system called PesaLink and integrated it into flagship service – OpenFloat. Now, you might be wondering what OpenFloat is all about. Well, it’s a nifty system that takes care of your petty cash, payroll, and corporate bill payments, all in one convenient place. No more running around like a headless chicken trying to manage your finances!

Thanks to this new collaboration, Pesapal has tapped into PesaLink’s powerful infrastructure, which works seamlessly with multiple banks. This means that merchants using OpenFloat can now enjoy a smooth sailing payments ecosystem. Imagine yourself effortlessly disbursing funds, paying bills, buying airtime in bulk, and even booking flights and hotels without breaking a sweat. It’s like having a personal financial assistant, only without the fancy suit.

And to top it off, Pesapal isn’t just stopping at making life easier for merchants. They’ve got some big ambitions brewing. They aim to process over 12 million transactions each month and connect a whopping one million African entrepreneurs to the world of e-commerce, digital payments, and the global financial system by 2030. Talk about aiming high! They’re all about embracing the wave of payment digitization and ensuring that everyone, from the small business owner to the big-time entrepreneur, has access to a wide range of payment options.

So, whether you’re a seasoned business owner or a budding entrepreneur, this integration of PesaLink into OpenFloat is something to celebrate. Pesapal is here to enhance your payment experience and level the playing field for all merchants. With broader payment options at your fingertips, you can focus on growing your business, while Pesapal takes care of the rest.

Remember, the world of digital payments isn’t just about our pride and joy MPESA, but is evolving, and it’s time to ride the wave. Let Pesapal and OpenFloat be your trusty companions on this exciting journey. Cheers to smoother transactions, simplified payments, and a brighter financial future!