Last week, the Social Services Sub-sector organized an incredible exhibition along the lively Aga Khan Walk right here in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. It was a whole week filled with energy, creativity, and the spirit of entrepreneurship. The event had a catchy name too: “JENGA HUSTLE MASHINANI, JENGA KENYA,” which basically means “Build Hustle Locally, Build Kenya.”

Now, picture this: exhibitors from all over the city gathered together to showcase their amazing products. And guess what? These products were not just any ordinary items. They were handcrafted treasures produced by various self-help groups right here in our local communities. How cool is that?

George Mutiso, the Chief Officer of Social Services, spoke passionately about the Nairobi City County Government’s commitment to providing equal opportunities for everyone. He emphasized their focus on empowering the community socioeconomically through collaboration with self-help groups across Nairobi County. You see, as a county government, their main goal is to create a level playing field for all Nairobians and empower small traders and manufacturers at the grassroots level. It perfectly aligns with Governor Johnson Sakaja’s vision of offering hope and opportunities to all.

Mutiso believes in the immense potential of Nairobi’s youth, as well as the youth of our entire country. He expressed the county government’s determination to expand opportunities for the youth to fulfill their dreams. One of their primary objectives is to keep the youth away from the destructive paths of drugs and crime. With Governor Sakaja’s leadership, they aim to establish supportive structures that empower the young people of Nairobi. After all, Nairobi is not just any city—it’s the bustling business hub of Africa! They want to give our talented manufacturers in the informal sector a platform to showcase their products not just within the East African Community, but also to the world at large. Who knows what incredible opportunities await them?

But hold on, the story doesn’t end there! This vibrant section of the government plans to organize more events like this in the future. Their aim is to provide a platform for the youth and women of Nairobi to showcase their talents, products, and initiatives. Can you imagine the kind of creativity and innovation we’ll get to witness? It’s truly exciting. And guess what? They have even bigger plans. Brace yourself for this—they intend to hold similar events every single month going forward! Can you believe it? Our city is going to be a hotbed of talent and entrepreneurial spirit, buzzing with opportunities for everyone.

So, keep an eye out for these upcoming events because they’re going to be incredible. Our city’s youth and women are ready to shine, and Nairobi is going to be their stage. Let’s cheer them on as they build a better future for themselves and our beloved Kenya.