The Art of the City Campaign by Artcaffé has crowned Kesha Gorajia as the champion of its second edition. This exciting competition, launched on International Women’s Day, aimed to celebrate and empower women through the magical world of art.

Kesha Gorajia’s talent and artistic vision blew away the judges, standing out among a pool of impressive entries. Her artwork beautifully captured the essence of the theme “Her Story,” reflecting the diverse narratives, struggles, and triumphs of women from all walks of life.

Under the theme #HerStory, the campaign sought to honor women who have made significant impacts on society and how artists perceive their roles creatively. From mothers to sisters, wives to friends, the submitted artworks celebrated women’s achievements and sought to inspire through expressive forms of art. All submissions were made digitally.

The judges, Cyprian Kiswili (winner of the 1st edition of the Art of the City campaign held in 2020) and Adrian Nduma (a celebrated artist who regularly displays at Artcaffé branches), had their work cut out for them. They had to sift through a staggering 270 submissions from professional and amateur artists of all ages.

Cyprian shared his thoughts, saying, “Art is a powerful tool in our society. Through art, we have seen movements happen and conversations shift. This year’s theme prompted brilliant submissions, forcing people to reflect on the role women played in their lives. It’s been awe-inspiring to witness the various approaches to the theme, all celebrating women.”

Let’s not keep you waiting! Here are the winners of this year’s competition:

  • Overall winner: Kesha Gorajia
  • 1st runner up: Cecilia Gakenia
  • 2nd runner up: Victor Nderitu
  • People’s choice award (selected through public votes on Artcaffé’s social media pages): Dennis Andrew

The overall winner received a handsome cash prize of KSH150,000 and the incredible opportunity to exhibit and sell their artwork at an Artcaffé restaurant. Furthermore, the artworks of the four winners will be proudly displayed on the iconic Artcaffè coffee cups and featured on the Artcaffé website.

Artcaffé’s commitment to the arts goes beyond showcasing artworks in their restaurants; it’s a mission to transform the way Kenyans experience art and gastronomy. By collaborating closely with emerging artists and galleries, they have nurtured a vibrant and inclusive art scene in Nairobi. Their aim is to build a sense of community among artists and art enthusiasts, making art more accessible and less intimidating.

Kari Mutu, co-chair of the Affordable Art Show, expressed her appreciation, stating, “It’s wonderful to see corporate entities like Artcaffé supporting the arts. This is precisely what our industry needs to thrive and gain recognition. Thank you for creating opportunities for artists to showcase their work.”

To aspiring artists out there, Adrian Nduma offers words of encouragement, saying, “More and more people are embracing art in their organizations and pursuits. Keep expressing yourself. Someone, somewhere will notice your talent.”

So, let’s raise our cups to Kesha Gorajia and all the talented artists who participated in the Art of the City Campaign. Your creativity and passion are the driving forces that make our world a more beautiful and inspiring place. Keep spreading your artistic magic, one brushstroke at a time!