Kenyan universities have been instructed to declare the cost of each degree program for 2022 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) candidates by May 9, 2023. The directive was issued by President William Ruto in line with KUCCPS’s mandate to disseminate information on available programs, their costs, and the areas of study prioritized by the government. The government will provide scholarships only to students who select degree programs in public universities. Students who choose private universities and TVET institutions will not receive government scholarships but will be eligible to apply for HELB loans.

The new university funding model unveiled by President Ruto categorizes students into three groups based on their level of need. These groups include the Vulnerable, the Less Vulnerable, and the Able. Funding for students will be distributed through scholarships and loans. Those from less needy families will receive up to 53 percent funding and loans of up to 43 percent, with their household contributing 7 percent. Able students will be funded up to 38 percent and 58 percent in loans, with their household also contributing 7 percent.

This new funding model seeks to provide equal opportunities for students and ensure that financial constraints do not prevent deserving students from accessing higher education. The move to declare the cost of each degree program is an important step in providing students with the necessary information to make informed decisions about their future. By making this information readily available, KUCCPS will enable students to make choices that align with their financial abilities and career aspirations.