Fifteen Kenyan Students have been chosen to represent the country in the prestigious Global Huawei ICT Challenge, where they will demonstrate their exceptional aptitude in understanding and navigating the latest ICT solutions. This 7th edition of the competition will take place in China, bringing together top students from around the world.

Having triumphed over a strong field of 4,500 Kenyan participants in the national final, these exceptional individuals also represented Kenya in the African competition, emerging among the top three out of 16 countries. This year’s event in China follows the remarkable achievements of previous Kenyan students who have showcased their ICT prowess in past competitions. In Kenya alone, the challenge has attracted more than 13,000 students since 2018, with over 4,000 students from over 50 universities and colleges registering for this year’s edition.

Hon. Musalia Mudavadi, Prime Cabinet Secretary, expressed his congratulations to the 15 students and acknowledged that their outstanding performance was the reason they had been entrusted with the responsibility of representing their country on the global stage. He emphasized the pride the country feels in their accomplishments, highlighting that their success demonstrates the positive outcomes resulting from strategic investments in education, skills, and digital technologies. Mudavadi further explained that nurturing a skilled workforce is a crucial element of the National Digital Masterplan, which aims to equip at least 10,000 Kenyans annually with digital skills.

The Prime Cabinet Secretary emphasized that the government’s commitment to achieving a digital superhighway extends beyond infrastructure development. It also involves ensuring that every Kenyan possesses the skills necessary to utilize and benefit from the superhighway, enabling them to pursue their desired goals in life. He underscored that this objective aligns with the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda, which seeks to provide opportunities and a conducive environment for the thriving of the Kenyan people.

Echoing Mudavadi’s sentiments, Steven Zhang, Deputy CEO for Public Affairs at Huawei Kenya, highlighted the company’s dedication to investing in ICT skills development for Kenyans and bridging the knowledge gap within the shortest timeframe possible. He emphasized Huawei’s involvement in supporting the government’s efforts to expand the country’s digital superhighway, emphasizing the importance of building world-class digital infrastructure in Kenya. Zhang added that Huawei Kenya will strengthen its partnerships and engagement with the government, academia, non-profit organizations, and the private sector to foster the growth of the ICT talent ecosystem. By cultivating high-quality ICT talent, Huawei aims to facilitate the development of Kenya’s digital economy.

The Huawei ICT Competition is a highly competitive event that serves as a platform for the global exchange of ICT talent among college students. Developed by Huawei, this competition is designed to promote the healthy development of the ICT talent ecosystem and foster the integration of industry and education. Over 150,000 students from more than 2,000 colleges and universities in 85 countries and regions worldwide have participated in the Huawei ICT Competition to date.