Kenya is taking bold steps to combat the relentless surge in fuel prices by implementing an innovative purchasing model designed to stabilize and potentially lower pump prices in the long term. Led by the visionary Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury and Planning, Prof Njuguna Ndung’u, the government-to-government (G-G) framework promises a game-changing solution that ensures stability while maintaining a free and independent retail market. With a focus on supply certainty and fair pricing, this groundbreaking approach aims to revolutionize Kenya’s petroleum sector.

The Foundation of Stability: Government-to-Government Arrangement

The G-G framework redefines the dynamics of petroleum imports by engaging directly with foreign governments. Through skillful negotiations, Kenya endeavors to secure better prices for its petroleum products, while simultaneously curbing any attempts by oil marketing companies (OMC) to exploit the system for excessive profits. This visionary approach stands in stark contrast to traditional models, as it emphasizes the importance of economy of scale over profit margins, benefitting both the government and the public.

Unlocking Stability: Benefits of the G-G Arrangement

One of the key advantages of the G-G arrangement is the extended credit facility provided to OMCs. This means that they can obtain petroleum products on credit and defer payment for 180 days. This strategic move eliminates the disruptive impact of short-term volatility triggered by fluctuations in exchange rates, particularly the scarcity of global dollars. As a result, the government gains the leverage to revitalize the interbank forex market, reducing its vulnerability to external factors.

Looking Ahead: Long-Term Stability and Predictability

The overarching goal of the G-G framework is to establish a sustainable and predictable pricing structure for fuel in Kenya. By shifting away from the prevalent system of frequent pricing revisions, the government aims to provide much-needed relief to industries reliant on fuel as a crucial input. This strategic shift towards a long-term supply structure enables the government to restructure the oil market, fostering stability and removing the coordination challenges associated with periodic price revisions. Through this transformative approach, Kenya seeks to build a more stable and secure fuel market.

Promising Signs and Currency Resilience

Energy Cabinet Secretary Davis Chirchir has lauded the effectiveness of the G-G model, citing tangible positive outcomes already being witnessed. Since the arrival of the first consignment of ships in April, the Kenyan shilling has displayed a remarkable strengthening trend. The G-G framework’s ability to mitigate exchange rate risks is evident as the products are paid for in local currency, alleviating the pressure on the dollar. In a bid to facilitate the importation of petroleum products, local banks, led by the esteemed Trade and Development Bank, will pool resources, reinforcing the stability of Kenya’s economy.


Kenya’s adoption of the government-to-government (G-G) framework for petroleum imports reflects its unwavering commitment to stabilizing fuel prices and fostering economic resilience. With a laser focus on stability, supply certainty, and fair pricing, the government is dedicated to shielding consumers from erratic price fluctuations while cultivating a predictable business environment for industries dependent on fuel. By eliminating short-term volatility caused by exchange rate fluctuations and promoting long-term planning through a structured and stable supply system, Kenya is paving the way for a robust economy. The G-G framework is a testament to Kenya’s determination to create a prosperous future marked by stability, resilience, and economic well-being.