African Leadership International’s ALX, a prominent tech training provider in Africa, has witnessed a remarkable enrollment of more than 6,000 young Kenyans. This surge in participation is part of a grand celebration that marks the initiation of their training in an array of recently introduced all-tech programs, such as Data Science, Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Salesforce Administrator, and ALX’s novel blended learning Software Engineering program. These programs have also attracted over 32,000 new tech learners across eight African countries.

The enrollment figures reveal an interesting trend, with over half of the new learners opting for data-related courses, specifically Data Science or Data Analytics.

Mr. Fred Swaniker, the founder of ALX Africa and CEO of African Leadership International, highlighted the significance of this development, stating that although Africa is projected to account for 40% of the world’s population by the end of the century, it currently only contributes 3% of the world’s software engineers. He emphasized Africa’s potential to address the global shortage of technology skills, considering the abundance of young talent present on the continent. Swaniker expressed his vision of nurturing millions of digital leaders from Africa within the next decade.

ALX Kenya has made further strides by announcing the opening of new tech hubs in Nairobi, which marks the introduction of their blended learning model. These hubs aim to address the infrastructural challenges faced by students by providing easily accessible co-working spaces equipped with high-speed internet and reliable electricity.

The newly established hubs are designed to foster productivity and facilitate various aspects of learning, including peer support, training, networking, and professional development. This innovative approach combines online learning with in-person training, enabling a comprehensive educational experience.

Mr. Peter Muriithii, General Manager at ALX Kenya and The ROOM, emphasized the significance of the tech hubs, stating that they will not only provide technical skills but also equip learners with essential soft skills required for success in high-growth industries. The aim is to create well-rounded tech professionals who can thrive in the dynamic world of work.

To welcome the thousands of new learners embarking on their training at ALX, onboarding activities and Karibu “Orientation” ceremonies were conducted throughout the week. These inaugural cohorts of learners will receive training in highly sought-after skills, preparing them for successful careers in the global digital economy.

ALX has partnered with the Mastercard Foundation to tackle the projected worldwide shortage of tech talent, which is expected to exceed 85 million people by 2030. Together, they aim to build the largest pool of trained technical professionals in Africa.

Over the years, ALX has witnessed significant success, with more than 85,000 learners graduating since 2021. Notably, approximately 85% of the graduates have secured employment within six months of completing their training, highlighting the positive impact of ALX’s programs.

Reeta Roy, President of the Mastercard Foundation, emphasized the importance of collaboration and shared goals. She expressed her belief in the power of partnerships with organizations like ALX to advance financial inclusion, education, and skills training at scale for Africa’s young population. Together, they aspire to empower Africa and address global challenges by fostering growth and opportunity.